Four in one powder for paratyphoid, canker, E.coli, and coccidiosis treatment.
Composition: Furaltadone 20%, Ronidazole 7%
Dosage Treatment: As a coccidiosis treatment, paratyphoid treatment, canker treatment, or E.coli treatment: mix one teaspoon to one gallon of drinking water for 7 consecutive days. This treatment may be repeated if necessary after a few days.
Advise: Multivitamins should be given to your birds for at least one day after medication and as a maintenance dose once a week. Do not give the day of shipping.
Size: 100g powder
—————-En Espanol————–
4 en 1 polvo soluble para la prevencion y tratamiento de canker, coccidiosis, salmonelosis y e.coli.
Modo de Empleo:
Una cucharadita por gallon de agua por siete dias consecutivos. El tratamiento se puede repetir despues de unos dias si es necesario y no se nota ningun cambio favorable al final. El tratamiento debe ser seguido por tres o quatro dias de vitaminas y un reconstructor intestinal.
* Disclaimer: Not for animals intended for human consumption *