A well balanced mixture of pure Wheat-germ, cod-liver, garlic and sunflower oils
4 Oils is a well-balanced mixture of 4 pure oils which are well absorbed by the pigeon’s organism.
The correct amount of each specific oil is important, this for purpose of quality and to prevent intestinal disorders. The four oils provide the following advantages:
- Wheat-germ oil : rich of vitamin E
- Cod-liver oil : rich of vitamin B
- Garlic oil : improves the condition of the intestinal flora
- Sunflower oil : good digestible fats
– Wheat-germ oil
– Cod-liver oil
– Garlic oil
– Sunflower oil
Instructions for use:
1 soupspoon per kg food, in combination with B.M.T.
– when flying : 2nd day of arrival
– breeding season : for a period of 1 week before pairing, then 2 x per week
– moulting season : 2 x per week
Size: bottle 600 ml