An insecticidal dust for use against certain insects attacking poultry.
An insecticidal dust for use against certain insects attacking poultry and vegetables. A dust formula, to control northern fowl mites, chicken mites, lice, bed bugs, brown dog ticks, fleas, bean beetles, leaf hoppers, lygus, stickbugs and most vegetable crop insects. For use in poultry houses. Also controls certain garden variety insects. Animal uses include chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, game birds, pigeons, dogs and cats.
– Active Ingredient: (5%) Carbaryl(1-Naphthyl methylcarbamate)
– Inert Ingredients (95%)
Directions for use:
– For poultry litter treatment: apply 1 lb per 40 sq ft.
– Hand application: use 1 lb to treat 100 birds.
– Poultry houses: apply 25 lbs per 1,000 sq ft.
– Dogs and Cats: rub in skin and apply to sleeping quarters weekly.
Size: 2lbs