Acidified Copper Sulfate can aid in the prevention of Crop Fungus in pigeons, chickens, and other poultry. It can also be used as a preventative and treatment for blackhead in turkeys and canker in chickens. Additionally, can be used as an antimicrobial to sanitize water lines and waterers for poultry.
Dilute 16 oz. (1 Lb) package into 2 gallons of water. Then add this stock solution by mixing 1 ounce into 1 gallon of drinking water. To treat disease, give the final dilution as a sole source of drinking water for 7-10 days. Dump and replace the final dilution drinking water every 24 hours during the entire treatment period. 16 oz. makes 256 gallons (969 liters) of solution.
16 oz (453.6 g) bag.