B.S. is a golden combination of active substances used worldwide with enormous success and in the meantime a household word. Available in powder and tablets
B.S. is a golden combination of active substances used worldwide with enormous success and in the meantime a household word. The special aluminum packing secures an exact dosage, optimal quality and is non-perishable
Preventive and curing in case of canker (trich), coccidiosis, hexamitiasis and some bacterial infections of crop and intestines. Stimulates down-feather fall, purifies and improves digestion. Available in powder and tablets
For Powder
Use: During breeding season on eggs:
6 days consecutive 1 sachet for 2 liters of water or 1 sachet mixed with 1 kilogram of grains (*).
After homing:
1,5 day 1 sachet per 2 liters of water or mixed with 1 kilogram of grains(*). Can also be used in combination with Belgasol.
For Tablets
Use: Preventive: 1 tablet per pigeon.Curative: 1x daily, 1 tablet during 2 days.
1 Sachet = 5g
* Disclaimer: Not for animals intended for human consumption *