Blended with Soybean Oil, great source of A&D, Omega-3 Fatty Acid, EFA, EPA & DH
Cod Liver Oil blended with Soybean Oil is an excellent source of Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acid, EFA, EPA and DHA.
Ingredients(each ounce contains (min)):
– Vitamin A 4246 IU
– Vitamin D 338 IU
Vitamin A is shown to have an action on male libido, boosting the immune system, protecting the heart and cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system, and reducing malaria symptoms.
Vitamin D prevents and treats rickets/splay-leg and weak bones. Vit D also boosts the immune system.
Packaged: 1 quart, 1 gallon Cod Liver Oil in Soybean Oil