Protozoal treatment for Falcons.
Falcons are commonly infected with Trichomonas protozoa (frounce) from pigeons. Frounce affects your Falcons health, hampers their ability to hunt efficiently, and can also cause nasty abscesses to form. Frounce is caused by a parasite carried by all Pigeons, so transmission to your valuable Falcons is almost certain. Falcon Protocide is the only double action treatment that effectively cures Frounce with the administration of just one tablet.
Protocide tablets are a single dose treatment for intestinal tract protozoal infections in Falcons. Ronidazole and Secnidazole are combined to create a rapid onset, long lasting treatment.
Key Features: Frounce has been notoriously hard to treat…until now. Protocide is the only choice for the fast, effective, and safe elimination of Frounce – don’t risk your Falcons health or hunting ability with anything else.
The Protocide formulation is very safe, so can be given as a prophylactic or early stage treatment on a regular basis. Early stage Trichomonads are readily eradicated with Protocide. Birds with the late stage, large abscess form of the disease will require additional veterinary attention.
Recommended for: Protocide is ideal for treating all internal protozoal infections including Trichomoniasis (Frounce), Hexamita and Giardia. Protocide does not treat blood protozoa such as Malaria or Haemoproteus.
Directions: Give one tablet per kg body weight, once. In severe cases, treatment may be repeated in 5-7 days. Do not combine with any other medication without the advice of your veterinarian.
Size: 30 tabs
* Disclaimer: Not for animals intended for human consumption *