Vaccines are shipped MONDAY-WEDNESDAY via 2nd Day or Next Day Air. Vaccines should stay cool and are shipped weather permitting in a Styrofoam cooler with ice packs. Multiple vaccines can ship inside the same cooler.
Orders placed after 12 AM WEDNESDAY will ship the following week.
Formulated as an aid in the prevention of paratyphoid infections caused by many of the Salmonella strains currently circulating in pigeons.
Salmonella/Paratyphoid vaccine. Symptoms include the following; (1) Severe weight loss, (2)dropped wing: swollen hock or elbow joints, (3)diarrhea (loose green portion) or normal stool, (4)poor appetite, (5)notable weight loss early in disease, (6)can affect only a few pigeons in the loft or have asymptomatic carriers, and (7)death seen especially in the newly hatched youngsters. 100 doses
Directions: Inject each pigeon with 0.25ml subcutaneously at the base of the neck. ONLY inject pigeons 5 weeks of age or older. Repeat in 3 – weeks.
Size: 25ml vile (100 doses)
For more information, please visit this link manufacturer’s link for more detailed information: Click Here for Pigeon Vaccine Lab website
ESPANOL : Sintomas de paratifoidea icluyen la rapida perdida de peso, mucosa en el escremento, “bolas” en las collonturas y malfuncionamiento del higado. Aunque la vacuna no tiene efectos curativos ayuda a “despertar” y estimula el sistema inmune en el animal ayudando a un mas rapido control de la infeccion.