Moisten Q-Tip swab, apply freely to affected lesions (sores) every day.
Local applications to Pigeon Pox and cancer. This solution is prepared under the supervision of a competent pharmacist. Gives quick results without any ill effects.
. Gallotannic Acid 25%
. TR. Ferric Chloride
. Alcohol 65%
. Special herbs 5%
Dosage and Administration:
. Moisten Q-Tip swab, apply freely to affected lesions (sores) every day.
. Remove formed crust gently when dried.
–IMPORTANT: Keep Out of Reach of Children
— En Espanol —
POX DRY ayuda a secar las leciones causadas por las erupciones de viruela y canker para plicar utilice un algodon y aplique directamente en la parte afectada da rapidos resultados sin ningun efecto secundario.