Mix 1 spoonful or 1 lid-full with 1 kg of grains; moisten with garlic oil.
Vitaminor is a brewer’s yeast grown on wort, grains, and sugar derivatives. The raw material is only obtained from breweries. It is dried thoroughly and prepared with great care for detail without the addition of any chemical agents. It fully preserves the nutritional qualities of each of its natural constituents. It is a 100% natural product rich in amino acids, vitamins and organic mineral elements that are completely assimilated by the pigeon’s organism.
VITAMINOR provides a complex of natural B vitamins, which are important for the metabolism of sugars, proteins, and fats and therefore in the physiology of the racing effort. B vitamins have therefore a positive influence on the physical efforts, that the pigeon needs to produce. VITAMINOR is a growth factor in the diet of young pigeons and enhances their resistance to various diseases and stress. It is a fact that VITAMINOR brewer’s yeast has a very favorable effect on the fertility of the breeding pairs and on the vitality of the youngsters.
Dosage and Administration:
- Mix a generous dessert spoonful of Vitaminor or the quantity in the can lid with 1 kg of grains
- For optimum results moisten the grain with garlic oil, or lemon juice to water to ensure a better adherence of VITAMINOR to the grains.
- During the breeding and molting season: add at least twice weekly to the grain ration.
- Before the racing season: 10-day diet during which Vitaminor brewerメs yeast is added to the ration of grain to stimulate the pigeonsメ physical condition.
- During the racing season: It is advisable to add Vitaminor brewerメs yeast to the depurative mixture on the day they return from the rave and on the following day to make sure they recover from the efforts.
- After any treatment of disease: It is also advisable during and after a treatment against trichomonas, worms, coccidiosis, and other infections to give Vitaminor brewerメs yeast.